Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cute Pictures

Here are some cute pictures of our 3 kids. I can't believe that we have 3 kids and I'm turning 30 this year! AAHH!! Well, now Steve will know what it's like to kiss an older woman.


We've had some visitors at our house in the last month. Kristi came and spent a week with us. It was just like old times, we stayed up until all hours of the night...I mean morning! Camille still talks about missing Aunt Tee Tee. And Uncle Ryan was passing through and fed Adam his first bottle. He'll be a good Dad! Just pretend that the picture is the right way!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Zoo

We bought a zoo pass this year so we'll have lots of different pictures at the zoo. This is the all time favorite picture of the gorilla, and no I'm not as big as the gorilla! We went with the Christensen's and Lapuaho's. One thing that happened and was pretty funny was that Isabelle got bird poop in her hair. We played at the park after and had a great time!

Adam's Blessing

Adam Gregory Carbine was blessed by his Daddy yesterday!! He was the cutest baby hands down! He was in Tyson's tux and was sporting the faux hawk. Camille went up and bore her testimony for the second time. Alot of our family came to support us(Kristi, Jen and Blake were out of state) and we had alot of help with the food, Thanks everyone!!